
07 Feb 2024

Water, the essence of life, has become a focal point in discussions surrounding health and hydration. The inclusion of fluoride in filtered water has sparked numerous debates, with both its benefits and misconceptions taking centre stage. This blog aims to untangle the truths about fluoride, exploring its advantages, and debunking common misconceptions, while shedding light on Just Water's unique filtration process that preserves essential minerals.

Is Fluoride Bad?

A common misconception of fluoride in water is that it’s harmful for human health. At the recommended levels, fluoride is not harmful. A comprehensive review by Royal Society Te Aparangi found that there was “no adverse effects of fluoride of any significance arising from fluoridation at the levels used in Aotearoa New Zealand.” (Gluckman et al, 2014.)

At high levels, fluoride consumption can have adverse effects. This underlines the importance of adhering to established guidelines and regulations to maintain safe levels of fluoride in our water. At Just Water, we are committed to maintaining rigorous standards to ensure that our water not only meets but exceeds the criteria for healthy consumption, providing you with confidence in every sip.


The Benefits of Fluoride in Water:Fluoride-and-enamel.png

Dental Health:

Fluoride's crucial role in dental health is foremost among its benefits. Strengthening tooth enamel, fluoride reduces the risk of cavities and contributes to improved oral hygiene. Incorporating fluoride into filtered water is a convenient way to support dental health, especially for those without consistent access to fluoride-rich dental products. A study by the New Zealand Oral Health Survey showed that, “Children living in non-fluoridated areas have 1.7 times as many decayed, missing or filled teeth than those in fluoridated areas.” (Moore et al, 2017.)

How Does Fluoride Help Dental Health?

1.    Strengthening Tooth Surface: Fluoride enhances the resistance of teeth to decay by fortifying the tooth surface, making it more resilient and better equipped to withstand the corrosive effects of acids and bacteria.

2.    Inhibiting Bacterial Growth: Fluoride disrupts the growth of cavity-causing bacteria, acting as a deterrent against the proliferation of these harmful microorganisms. By impeding their development, fluoride helps mitigate the risk of cavities forming on the tooth surface.

3.    Assisting in Tooth Decay Repair: Fluoride plays a crucial role in repairing the early stages of tooth decay. By actively participating in the remineralization process, fluoride aids in restoring damaged tooth structures, preventing the progression of decay and promoting overall dental health.


Just Water’s Filtration Process & Fluoride:

Our depots meticulously filter and bottled water, strictly adhering to rigorous standards and international best practices. Sourced from the municipal supply, our water undergoes a meticulous filtration process that eliminates sediments and impurities while retaining essential minerals crucial for health and wellbeing. Preserving the health benefits of minerals like calcium, magnesium and silver is our priority, and in doing so, a trace amount of fluoride remains in the water, providing an additional layer of benefits for dental health.
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Both calcium and magnesium are indispensable elements. Calcium is like the building material for your bones and teeth. It also does important jobs in your muscles and heart, helping them work properly and ensuring your blood clots when needed. On the other hand, magnesium is like a helper in over 300 reactions in your body. It assists in processes like turning food into energy, moving important elements in and out of cells, and even helps with muscle and nerve functions. So, think of calcium as the backbone for your bones and muscles, and magnesium as the behind-the-scenes helper for various essential processes in your body.

Reverse Osmosis Filtration Process

Reverse Osmosis is a popular water purification process that uses semi-permeable membrane to remove impurities from water. Water is forced through the membrane, leaving contaminants behind and purified water on the other side. Renowned for eliminating impurities; however, it's not widely known that this method also entails the removal of around 92-99% of valuable minerals from the water including fluoride.

In a scientific study done to see if minerals consumed in food can make up for a lack of minerals in reverse osmosis water, scientists concluded that, "It has been adequately demonstrated that consuming water of low mineral content has a negative effect on homeostasis mechanisms, compromising the mineral and water metabolism in the body." (Frantisek, 2004.)


Ultimately, making informed choices about water consumption involves understanding the benefits and drawbacks of different purification methods. At Just Water, our commitment to health and wellbeing is reflected in our meticulous water filtration process. While concerns about fluoride exist, it is evident that, when properly regulated, it can contribute positively to dental health. Striking a balance between water quality and essential mineral retention ensures that our drinking water not only quenches our thirst but also supports our overall health and well-being.


·         Gluckman et al., “Health Effects of Water Fluoridation: A Review of the Scientific Evidence. A Report on Behalf of the Royal Society of New Zealand and the Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor”, 2014.
·         Moore et al., “The Costs and Benefits of Water Fluoridation in NZ” BMC Oral Health 17, no. 1 (2017).
·         Frantisek Kozisek M.D., Ph.D., Státní Zdravotní Ústav | SZU · Centre of Environmental Health (2004)