COVID-19 Update April 2022
We are pleased to move to the Orange Alert Level. We know that Covid-19 is still in our community and the Just Water team firstly want to say that we hope you are doing okay and keeping as safe as possible.
Like so many others, Just Life Group is being impacted by Covid-19 and experiencing workforce challenges. Due to a small number of cases in the Just Life team, we may not always meet our usual delivery commitments. We know how important it is for your team and your family to have fresh, chilled, and filtered water in your business and home, and we apologise for any delay over the next few weeks. We are working hard to maintain our normal delivery times. If there are any delays to your delivery, one of our team will be in touch to organise a different time.
As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please contact our Just Water Customer Service team who are ready to help via phone, online chat, or email.
Ph: 0800 801 802
We thank you for your understanding,
Kia kaha
Lynne Jacobs
Group General Manager
Just Life Group Limited