
28 Oct 2020

5 reasons why filtered water will benefit your workplace


If the thought of drinking water directly from a tap or a plastic bottle puts you off, you’re not alone. Drinking over-chlorinated water that’s come straight out of an old metal pipe isn’t worth the effort to get up from your desk for. But, if you had the choice to drink mountain-fresh water daily, the chances of you getting up from your desk to pour yourself a few glasses throughout the day is a lot higher.

And if that's not enough; below we have listed five reasons why filtered water will benefit your workplace:

1. Hydration boosts employee productivity

Just a 1% drop in dehydration in a person’s body can decrease their work performance by 12%. Dehydration causes an employee's cognitive abilities to decrease, lowering their concentration and alertness levels. At this stage, many employees would grab a cup of coffee only to fizzle out a few hours later.

A filtered water system will encourage employees to take a short, quick break to properly hydrate and maybe have a quick stretch. When a person is hydrated, they feel energised, fully focused and it does wonders for their immunity.

2. Eliminates high amounts of office plastic

Right now, count how many water bottles you can see on employees desks. How many can you count? Waste Management estimates that Kiwis dispose of 97 million plastic bottles each year. Just by swapping out single-use plastic bottles for an office filtered water system immediately reduces the amount of plastic waste daily, and might take you one step further to your organisation's environmental goals.

Encourage employees to bring their own reusable water bottles to work to further decrease your organisation’s carbon footprint, and have them easily fill it up from your water cooler.

3. Improves workplace culture

Contrary to the belief, “water cooler chat” is good for business. The foundations of building a positive and supportive culture are embedded within the employees who are happy and engaged. It’s important to create an atmosphere that allows for social chit-chat so employees can get to know each other on a deeper level.

A positive environment enriches relationships and allows people to share their ideas around, boosting creativity. Bringing people together should be a high priority for any business and installing a literal water cooler is a great way to make that happen.

4. Satisfies the needs of many

If you're tired at waiting for the kettle to boil - you're not alone! Opt for an option with either chilled or boiling water to suit every office need. At the press of a button you can get boiling water for two-minute noodles or tea or instant coffee, or filtered chilled water ready to drink right from the tap.

A strategically placed water cooler will serve well in conference rooms, kitchens, and reception areas for everyone to use too, whether they work at your offices every day or if they are only in for a quick meeting or visit.

5. Better than tap water

Wherever you go in New Zealand, tap water tastes different, and it can sometimes have a specific taste or even smell to it. This is why a lot of people tend to shy away from it or opt for a plastic water bottle instead. With a filtered water system, water is crisp, cool, and refreshing, all year around regardless of where you are located.

Just Water is a Kiwi owned and operated company offering filtered water to the highest standards in accordance with international best practice. Our premium filtration system uses a four-step filtration process that significantly filters out all the nasty chemicals, bacteria and heavy metals that may be present in taps. The result is crystal clear and clean water litre after litre, so you can be assured that you are drinking the best quality water with every mouthful.

If you’re looking for a simple way to improve your employee’s wellbeing, your organisation’s culture, and an easy way to reduce plastic use, we provide different options that are suitable to your workplace. Whether you employ ten people or ten thousand, we have an option to suit your needs. The outcome is a hydrated, healthy, and engaged workforce that will improve productivity without the caffeine and sugar.

Contact us today on: 0800 801 802